Importance of imaging quality in women’s health
Around 1.6 million twins are born each year worldwide, as multiple pregnancies continue to increase. However, these pregnancies carry greater risks of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Jane Hanford, explores how the evolution of high-quality ultrasound and imaging innovation, particularly Superb Micro-vascular Imaging (SMI) technology, is helping sonographers to identify potential risks early on, and allow for more effective treatment options.
Future-proofing respiratory triage with POC testing
In this article, Helen Peat and James Cottam highlight a crucial need for fast and efficient diagnostic tests to accurately differentiate between respiratory illnesses. Point of care (POC) PCR testing could play a central role in enabling healthcare providers to respond quickly to unpredictable surges in respiratory cases, aiding infection control and contributing to better patient outcomes.
PCOS testing and the need for better guidance
Women with long term conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome are often left feeling abandoned and alone. Our healthcare system could do so much more to recognise – and therefore mitigate – their suffering. Dr. Anne Connolly discusses the latest advances in diagnosis and the need for better guidance.
Identifying patients most at risk of gastric carcinogenesis
There is a need for targeted, fast and reliable diagnostics at the point of patient care to identify curable precancerous disease stages that enable timely treatment and better patient outcomes for patients with gastric cancer. Dr. Cinzia Papadia, a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Barts Health NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, discusses the use of a first-line case selection tool for gastric cancer risk.
How breath analysis could support gut health
Billy Boyle discusses the potential of breath analysis technology in delivering improvements in diagnosis and clinical monitoring, for patients with digestive diseases. In this article, he reveals how portable devices could revolutionise gastrointestinal healthcare in the future.
Calls to tackle attrition and recruitment in nursing
Last year, the Nuffield Trust warned that the domestic training pipeline for clinical careers is ‘unfit for purpose’ – with too many staff dropping out of training and leaving their NHS careers. Now, the Royal College of Nursing is highlighting issues with recruitment too.
Calprotectin home testing: what do patients think?
Basildon Hospital is using calprotectin home testing to support IBD patients. Kezia Allen, Associate Practitioner, Clinical Trials, Basildon Hospital, reveals the feedback from patients who are using calprotectin tests, as well as some key considerations for the Trust.
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Nova Biomedical is a world leader in point of care and critical care in-vitro diagnostics. Our products include:
Stat Profile Prime Plus®
A critical care blood gas analyser featuring maintenance-free sensors and a 22-test menu including tests for ionized magnesium (iMg), creatinine, urea, estimated plasma...
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